Occupational therapist

Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapists (OTs) are able to help you adapt everyday activities such as cooking and showering by using different tools, equipment, aids, modifications, and strategies.

More specifically, OTs can provide advice on how to do things in a way that reduces joint strain and pain and teach you safe strategies to protect the mobility of your joints, particularly those in your hands. They may also suggest changes to your house, such as new taps, or aids that can make life easier and protect your joints more effectively.

They may work for a Needs Assessment Service Coordination or NASC team to provide assessments and recommendations for things such as home equipment, vehicle modifications, household management and personal care, and home-related modifications. Some OTs work in a hospital or for a private healthcare provider. 

For more information about this important allied health professional, visit Occupational Therapy New Zealand Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa

You can also find an occupational therapist via Healthpages, which is a site where you can search for different health professionals and the services they provide throughout New Zealand. 

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